Need a little help warming yourself in the morning? Try this delicious tasting warming herbal chai.
Perfect for cold mornings, and cold nights too. Chai is filled with spices to help warm the body.
As the temperatures start to plummet, one needs to take care of their body, by working with the seasons. This is where Chai comes into play, as the horns used to make a delicious warming cup of chai are incredibly warming – for the body and for the mind.
Autumn is naturally a time of reaping what was sowed and starting to turn inward. The “Yang” of full summer has finished it’s expression and now it is time for the inner fire to be tended.
Did you know that your pantry provides some hidden gems to warm your body and assist circulation?
Here are some well known herbs that are also used in Chinese Medicine:
- Cinnamon (Gui Zhi) – A great herb to get the blood moving and warm the body. Use it sprinkled over porridge, or in a warm hot chocolate.
- Ginger (Sheng Jiang) – Incorporate ginger generously to avoid externally contracted coldness. Especially good for warming the digestive fire, and assisting the stomach, it is quite frequently used to disperse phlegm from the lungs and thus stop coughing.
- Black pepper (Hu Jiao) – Known as a qi mover, the nature of black pepper is hot! Also used to disperse dampness and dissolve phlegm.
- Nutmeg (Rou Dou Kou) – Great for warming the digestion and especially where cold dampness invades the bowels causing diarrhea, or loose stools.
Check out my delicious tasting ‘Witchy Warming Herbal Chai’ recipe below.
- Almond Milk 1-2 cups
- Black tea 1 teaspoon
- Maple Syrup or other sweetener
- Cinnamon – 1/4 teaspoon
- Nutmeg – 1/4 teaspoon
- Ginger – 1/4 teaspoon
- Black pepper – just a pinch
- Cloves – a small pinch
How to make it:
- Place all ingredients, except the sweetener into a saucepan and bring to a boil stirring occasionally.
- Let steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain the spices out, and pour liquid into a cup.
- Add you chosen sweetener to taste.
- Relax and feel the inner magic!
- What a better way to bring life back to a cold body.