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If you are experiencing irregular periods, it’s important to check yourself for the following conditions.
- Pregnancy – check to see if pregnancy is the cause of irregular periods or missed periods
- Thyroid issues – both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are reasons why periods may vary in length. The thyroid produces thyroid hormone which affects the reproductive system. Too much or too little thyroid hormone may make your periods light, heavy or irregular.
- Stress and illness – Stress and illness may deplete the body of its natural reserves. The body must conserve the vital life force, and thus shuts off what it deems as non-essential activities including your menstrual period.
- PCOS – Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a fairly common issue that women are facing. PCOS predisposes women to irregular, infrequent or prolonged menstrual cycles. Usually ultrasounds show enlarged ovaries containing many follicles. Together with high androgens, the ovaries may fail to ovulate regularly.
- Fibroids – Fibroids may stimulate the growth of blood vessels which contributes to heavier or irregular periods, and spotting between cycles.
- Low body weight – the body needs some fat to produce hormones. If you have very low body weight, your brain may signal the body to stop releasing hormones that impact the menstrual cycle.
- Over exercise – When you over exercise, the body changes to accomodate the need to produce more physical energy for movement. Your jing and hormone reserves will deplete, and as a result, your period may disappear or become infrequent.
- Low ovarian reserve – perimenopause and menopause will alter your ovulation and hormones. Your body’s egg reserves starts to dwindle as we age, making the follicles in the ovaries less responsive to FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone). Ovulation may start to become less regular as a result.
- Endometriosis – This is where uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus, and can cause heavy, painful and long periods. You may also suffer from bleeding in between cycles.